Charles Paisley was born into the message and grew up in raised in Faith Assembly Church in Clarksville, Indiana where Junior Jackson was the pastor. Charles became assistant pastor of the church in the years after Raymond Jackson died.
Charles is currently a minister at The Gospel Church of Jeffersonville, Indiana, where he is working with other former message believers to help people find community and support as they leave the message.
Charles Paisley was born into the message and grew up in raised in Faith Assembly Church in Clarksville, Indiana where Junior Jackson was the pastor. Charles became assistant pastor of the church in the years after Raymond Jackson died.
Charles is currently a minister at The Gospel Church of Jeffersonville, Indiana, where he is working with other former message believers to help people find community and support as they leave the message.
Episode 89 - Charles Paisley - Another minister leaves the message
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Charles Paisley was born into the message and was raised in Faith Assembly Church in Clarksville, Indiana where Junior Jackson was the pastor. Charles became assistant pastor of the church in the years after Raymond Jackson died. He has traveled international and has visited dozens of message Churches.
His family has been in the message for decades and attended the Branham tabernacle while William Branham rather was still living. Charles personally knew and has been acquainted with many witnesses of William Braham’s life and ministry, including personal friends and acquaintances who knew William Branham all the way back to the 1930’s.
Charles is currently a minister at The Gospel Church of Jeffersonville, Indiana, where he is working with other former message believers and former message ministers to help people find community and support as they leave the message.
This is the conclusion of our interview with Deborah Daulton Thibodeau. Her story is chronicled in “The Serpent’s Tail”, which Deb has authored. The book is published by Adelaide books is available directly from the publisher or from Amazon.
Why were Ed Daulton’s last words : “Brother Branham, lied to me. I have been betrayed!” ??
The transcript of our podcast is available to download:
Rod continues his interview with Deborah Daulton Thibodeau in this episode. Her story is chronicled in “The Serpent’s Tail”, which Deb has authored. The book is published by Adelaide books is available directly from the publisher or from Amazon.
The transcript of our podcast is available to download:
In Part 3, Rod continues his interview with Deborah Daulton Thibodeau. Her story is chronicled in “The Serpent’s Tail”, which Deb has authored. The book is published by Adelaide books is available directly from the publisher or from Amazon.
The transcript of our podcast is available to download:
In this episode, Rod continues his interview with Deborah Daulton Thibodeau. Her story is chronicled in “The Serpent’s Tail”, which Deb has authored. The book is published by Adelaide books is available directly from the publisher or from Amazon.
The transcript of our podcast is available to download:
Episode 84 - The Serpent's Tail - Abuse in the Park
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The Park
In this episode, Rod interviews Deborah Daulton Thibodeau, the youngest daughter of Ed Daulton. Her story is chronicled in “The Serpent’s Tail”, which Deb has authored. The book is published by Adelaide books and is available on Amazon and directly from Adelaide Books.
In the summer of 1962, about sixty members of several large extended families moved across country seeking a place away from the world to wait for the rapture. They were driven by William Branham’s comments that Rapture was at hand.
They settled in the Pine Lawn Trailer Park (the “Park”) in Prescott, Arizona. They were led by William Branham’s “tape boys”, Leo Mercer and Gene Goad, who had been close friends since college. Ed Daulton asked William Branham about the planned move and he said at first that he shouldn’t go. Later he changed his mind and said that they should go – “I see it come out alright in the end.”
If William Branham was a prophet, how could he promote a sexual predator and abuser of young children to the position of authority at the Park. Where was his discernment? How could he describe the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse of children as something that comes out “alright in the end?”
The transcript of our podcast is available to download:
Episode 83 - The Downfall of the Message in Brazil? (Part 2)
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This is part 2 of our interview with Arthur Antunes, the author of “The Secret of the Seventh Angel: The Downfall of Branhamism” which was published in July 2021 in Brazil.
Arthur Antunes is a pseudonym or pen name and the true identity of the author remains a secret. For the purpose of this interview the voice of our guest has been disguised using up to date computer technology.
Followers of the message in Brazil have been rocked by a sexual scandal involving Joaquim Gonçalves da Silva, one of the most well known message pastors in Brazil. The allegations against him came out in June 2021 and he died of Covid-19 in August, shortly after the book was published.
Episode 82 - What is happening to the Message in Brazil?
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In this episode, Rod interviews Arthur Antunes, the author of “The Secret of the Seventh Angel: The Downfall of Branhamism” which was published in July 2021 in Brazil.
Arthur Antunes is a pseudonym or pen name and the true identity of the author remains a secret. For the purpose of this interview the voice of our guest has been disguised using up to date computer technology.
Followers of the message in Brazil have been rocked by a sexual scandal involving Joaquim Gonçalves da Silva, one of the most well known message pastors in Brazil. The allegations against him came out in June 2021 and he died of Covid-19 in August, shortly after the book was published.
Episode 81 – Pastor James Manuel of South Africa (Part 3)
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Rod, Emily and Tim conclude their discussion with former message pastor James Manuel of Cape Town, South Africa. James was in the message for almost 40 years.
Episode 80 – Pastor James Manuel of South Africa (Part 2)
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Rod, Emily and Tim continue their discussion with former message pastor James Manuel of Cape Town, South Africa. James was in the message for almost 40 years.
Episode 78 - Pastor Jeff Jenkins - 7 Years Later (Part 4)
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Jeff Jenkins was the pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship in Lima, Ohio for almost 33 and a half years. In the conclusion of our interview, we talk about whether what his advice is to those that have left the message and what the proper approach should be to religion and faith based on his experience since leaving the message.
Episode 77 - Pastor Jeff Jenkins - 7 Years Later (Part 3)
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Jeff Jenkins was the pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship in Lima, Ohio for almost 33 and a half years. In part 3 of our interview, we talk about whether he has had any contact with other message ministers since he left the message and how his ministry has developed over the past 7 years.
Episode 76 - Pastor Jeff Jenkins - 7 Years Later (Part 2)
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Jeff Jenkins was the pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship in Lima, Ohio for almost 33 and a half years. In part 2 of our interview, we talk about what has surprised him most since he left the message.
Episode 75 - Pastor Jeff Jenkins - Seven Years Later (Part 1)
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Jeff Jenkins was the pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship in Lima, Ohio for almost 33 and a half years. Rod Bergen and Tim Kraus talk to Jeff about:
– What have been the biggest changes in his thinking since he left the message 7 years ago? – What has surprised him most since he left the message? – Has he had any contact with other message ministers since he left? – How has his ministry developed since he left the message? – What is his advice to those that have left the message? – What is the proper approach to religion and faith based on his experience since leaving the message?
Episode 74 - Talks with Tim - Donny Reagan Gets Excited
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This is the first in a new series that we are going to be doing called Talks with Tim. Tim Kraus, as our regular listeners know, is one of the co-hosts on Off The Shelf. If you would like some background on Tim, please listen to episode 61where we talk to Tim at length about his experiences with the message.
We get people who send us video links on occasion. And some of them are, honestly, so disturbing, that we feel we need to respond to them. This podcast is one such response.
This is the conclusion of our discussion with message pastor Jesse Smith regarding the status of William Branham as a prophet. Jax Cox and Tim Kraus act as moderators. The discussion focused around this agreed issue:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
This episode is comprised of the closing statements of both Jesse Smith and Rod Bergen.
The following is a transcript of part 7 of our discussion:
This is part 6 of our discussion with message pastor Jesse Smith regarding the status of William Branham as a prophet. Jax Cox and Tim Kraus act as moderators. In this portion of our discussion, we deal with:
If William Branham’s teaching is correct, why do message followers display so little love for those who leave?
Why is the fruit of the message so bad?
Did William Branham have any valid prophecies? Three prophecies are specifically considered:
First, the immoral condition of the church;
Second, that no greater ministry to the Gentiles would rise than William Branham; and
Third, that no denomination would ever break up and come back to the word.
These questions all focused around the agreed question for discussion:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
This is part 5 of our discussion with message pastor Jesse Smith regarding the status of William Branham as a prophet. Jax Cox and Tim Kraus act as moderators. Specifically, in this portion of our discussion, we deal with:
Specifically, in this portion of our discussion, we deal with the following:
If William Branham’s teaching is correct, why did God require Christians in earlier ages to believe false doctrine in order to be saved?
Are Trinitarians Christians?
Is there clear proof that William Branham lied habitually?
Why did William Branham fake that he spoke in tongues?
These questions all focused around the agreed question for discussion:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
The following is a transcript of part 5 of our discussion:
This is part 4 of our discussion with message pastor Jesse Smith regarding the status of William Branham as a prophet. Jax Cox and Tim Kraus act as moderators. Specifically, in this portion of our discussion, we deal with:
Specifically, in this portion of our discussion, we deal with
Does the Holy Spirit lead a person into the message?
Was William Branham lying when he said that he was standing under the Cloud?
Does the doctrine of the Trinity teach that God has 3 minds?
Did any giants of the Christian faith not follow the doctrine of the Trinity?
These questions all focused around the agreed question for discussion:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
The following is a transcript of part 4 of our discussion:
This is part 3 of our discussion with message pastor Jesse Smith regarding the status of William Branham as a prophet. Specifically, in this portion of our discussion, we deal with:
How do we respond to WMB’s failed visions given the clear requirements of Deuteronomy 18:20 to 22?
How is this affected by cognitive bias?
Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit a separate work of grace, like salvation?
Do you have to accept the message of William Branham to be born again?
If WMB was the messenger to the church of Laodicea, the Elijah prophet and the angel of revelation 10:7, how could he be so lacking in credibility?
These questions all focused around the agreed question for discussion:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
The following is a transcript of part 3 of our discussion:
This is part 2 of our discussion with message pastor Jesse Smith regarding the status of William Branham as a prophet. Specifically, in this portion of our discussion, we deal with the King James Version Only-ism, women wearing pants and whether it is OK to condemn people who are not Christians. Jay Cox and Tim Kraus are the moderators of our discussion.
The agreed question for discussion:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
Music – The Disease of Conceit by Bob Dylan from the album, “Oh Mercy” (1989) – Available on Apple Music
On September 12, 2020, the first-ever English language debate was held between a message pastor (Jesse Smith of Akron, OH) and an ex-message Christian (Rod Bergen from the Off The Shelf podcast and the BelieveTheSign website). The discussion was moderated by C. Jay Cox and Tim Kraus.
The agreed question for discussion:
William Branham is considered by his followers to be a prophet and, specifically, the messenger to the church of Laodicea (the fulfillment of Rev 3:14), the Elijah prophet (fulfilling Malachi4:5-6) and the angel of Revelation 10:7. Was William Branham who his followers say he is?
In Part 1, Jay Cox and Tim Kraus introduce the participants followed by the opening statements of Pastor Jesse Smith and Rod Bergen.
Music – War in my Mind by Beth Hart – Available on Apple Music
Episode 66 - The Seven Thunders - An Interview with Eleisha Moreno (Part 3)
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This is the conclusion of the interview with Eleisha Moreno, a former follower of Joseph Coleman, who initiated the Seven Thunders Inspiration, a sub-cult within the “Message” (which is how followers of William Branham refer to themselves).
Book – When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger
Music – Losing My Religion by Lauren Daigle from the album, “Look Up Child” – Available on Apple Music
Episode 65 - The Seven Thunders - An Interview with Eleisha Moreno (Part 2)
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In this episode, Emily, Rod, and Tim interview Eleisha Moreno, a former follower of Joseph Coleman, who initiated the Seven Thunders Inspiration, a sub-cult within the “Message” (which is how followers of William Branham refer to themselves).
Rod starts the podcast with an editorial comment on a topic that is getting a lot of play on social media with followers of William Branham – the election of Kamala Harris as vice president of the united states AND the fact that she wore a purple dress at her inauguration.
Episode 64 - The Seven Thunders - An Interview with Eleisha Moreno (Part 1)
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In this episode, Emily, Rod, and Tim interview Eleisha Moreno, a former follower of Joseph Coleman, who initiated the Seven Thunders Inspiration, a sub-cult within the “Message” (which is how followers of William Branham refer to themselves).
Joseph Coleman preached his first sermon in Eleisha’s grandparents’ home in the early 1960’s, so Eleisha’s knowledge of the Seven Thunders movement dates to its infancy.
Music – Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash from the album, “American IV: The Man Comes Around” – Available on Apple Music
Episode 63 - Introducing Your New Co-Hosts (Part 3)
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This episode concludes the discussion with our new co-hosts. Rod Bergen talks to Emily Arndt and Tim Kraus about a number of important issues relating to the message.
Episode 62 - Introducing your new co-hosts (Part 2)
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This episode continues the introduction of our new co-hosts. Rod Bergen talks to Emily Arndt and Tim Kraus about a number of important issues relating to the message.
Music – The Storm Still Rages by Rhonda Vincent – Available on Apple Music