In this episode, Rod interviews Arthur Antunes, the author of “The Secret of the Seventh Angel: The Downfall of Branhamism” which was published in July 2021 in Brazil.
Arthur Antunes is a pseudonym or pen name and the true identity of the author remains a secret. For the purpose of this interview the voice of our guest has been disguised using up to date computer technology.
Followers of the message in Brazil have been rocked by a sexual scandal involving Joaquim Gonçalves da Silva, one of the most well known message pastors in Brazil. The allegations against him came out in June 2021 and he died of Covid-19 in August, shortly after the book was published.
External Links
- If you speak Portuguese, you should download the book – O SEGREDO DO SÉTIMO ANJO: A DERROCADA DO BRANHAMISMO by Arthur Antunes
- BelieveTheSign website article on
The transcript of our podcast is available to download: