Charles Paisley was born into the message and was raised in Faith Assembly Church in Clarksville, Indiana where Junior Jackson was the pastor. Charles became assistant pastor of the church in the years after Raymond Jackson died. He has traveled international and has visited dozens of message Churches.
His family has been in the message for decades and attended the Branham tabernacle while William Branham rather was still living. Charles personally knew and has been acquainted with many witnesses of William Braham’s life and ministry, including personal friends and acquaintances who knew William Branham all the way back to the 1930’s.
Charles is currently a minister at The Gospel Church of Jeffersonville, Indiana, where he is working with other former message believers and former message ministers to help people find community and support as they leave the message.
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The Message World is a mess. I believe there are more problems than in any other religion. So many people were and are imprisoned in Message Sects. I feel sorry for them. I think every Message Minister should learn from those testimonies that people have that left the Message. Rather than discussing or cursing them. Also admitting that we don’t have an answer for everything. And bro. Branham made his mistakes. So we don’t have to defend him. But just to be influenced by the heart of the Message without fear. Without someone setting you under pressure. But this Message showed us the real heart of our Father. That he loves his children. His desire for us is greater than our desire for him. In that love we have to mature. May God help us as Message Believers to stay normal and in respect with every one. God bless You and thank you bro. Paisley for your words.
I have been listening to you and John Collins YouTube.
I listened to William branham since l was about 23. lm 63 years old . I studied scripture and message at same time ..l know the deeper side to
the teaching. Aways
praying for Jesus to lead me to him in truth 100%. I see
so differently as of about 20 years ago free from any leadership my only leader Jesus the holy spirit Dove. William branham had so much he brought out Dove seals studying the Bible. People just as l see it didn’t want the only messiah Savior Jesus. .. but there is so much more to why he was sent in our day ..a big test ..so much about the true living Almighty God . Branham is all through the revelation of the Almighty ..the false makes the real shine like the firmament.. oh the scripture my Lord Jesus has showed me. I thank the lord for going through the denomination and message .. because my goal was always my Father Jesus my Almighty God to know him.. please call if you get free time
Mary Brothers
Hi there, I saw what you wrote and wanted to ask, are you One God JESUS name?
Just curious
Hello. There are these 2 guys in the message, a pastor in the message always refer to them as very important persons. Can you please enlighten me about them, their roles, positions, background and significance?
They are Dalton Bruce and Robert Lambert
Very interesting to hear Paisley- i am the daughter of Bro. Larsen that he mentioned from Norway! At the first conference that Bro. Jackson had here with my dad, I was the translator. I was just a young lady in my early 20’s and our family had attended Branham Tabernacle in my teen years. We were actually on our way to becoming missionaries in Brazil when my dad met someone who introduced him to Branham, I think it was seemingly the great miracles that attracted him most. We moved back to Norway in 1965 and I attended some small pentecostal churches which were very alive and the people loved Jesus. After the first conference here in Norway with bro. Jackson I felt in my spirit that something was really wrong, but I didn’t know enough about the doctrine to discuss this properly with my dad, but I told my father that I couldn’t be a part of this movement. After the meetings at the conference, instead of being excited about Jesus, they were just criticising other churches , and I didn’t want this to dominate my life and be a part of it! I knew that there were many wonderful Christians around, and it was very strange that only the “message” people would consider themselves the bride og Christ! I remember that I felt so lonely and sad, really doubting my faith and if I wanted to be a Christian at all, and after experiencing this rejection from my dad I didn’t know where to turn.
One day I went to a lonely place by by the ocean to be alone with the Lord, and pour out my sorrow to Him of feeling so dissilusioned and wanting to leave it all. As I sat there the Lord gave me an open visjon where he showed me the map of the world. He then showed me that people from other countries all tried to immigrate to countries like Norway and others, who had a Judean/Christian foundation. These countries had been founded on Christian values and therefore had created something stable and trustworthy. Using this picture, and the lasting fruits of being grounded on God’s principles, He showed me that if I would love Him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself, I could never go wrong; this was the highest way and there was no higher or better way than living whole hearted for Jesus and that He would give me strength and flow through me! I am so very thankful that God saw my broken and honest heart and led me away from “the message” without losing my faith🙏 After listening to John Collins and others a few years ago, I decided to write a letter to all of my fathers followers that I knew of in Norway, and inform them of the new evidence against Branham. I was hoping that I could undo some of what my dad did to mislead those precious Christians, but to my great disappointment, none of them have responded! I have a great burden for these people, but I don’t know what else to do? The good thing about my dad is that as he got older, he died at 87, he got milder and hopefully doubts arose about what he had believed in. He said that he started reciting the Lords prayer a lot🙏