Episode 20 – Two Ding Dongs and a Microphone (Summer Shorts)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 20 - Two Ding Dongs and a Microphone (Summer Shorts)


One of our listeners informed us of a recent comment made by the pastor of a message church in Beaufort, South Carolina.  This pastor labeled those who dared challenge William Branham as “ding dongs”.

But was it the case that no one dared challenge William Braham when he was alive?  Find out what actually happened to those who challenged William Branham.

We also include a sneak preview of an upcoming interview with Sylvia Perkins in September.

This podcast is part of our summer series  of short podcasts that we are calling “Summer Shorts”.   They will only be 4-5 minutes… just enough to get you thinking about something that you might not have thought about.   Some may be the two of them, while others may just be solo.

Relevant Links to this podcast

Music – Ding Dong  by The Ding Dongs, from the album – Johnny Otis Presents Eldo Records Vol. 2 Featuring Sugarcane Harris & Little Julian Herrera – available from iTunes

7 Replies to “Episode 20 – Two Ding Dongs and a Microphone (Summer Shorts)”

  1. Oh,I enjoy these podcasts! I’m slowly but surely unravelling the message lies from Bible Truths and the influence they had in my life… This happened more often than not, didn’t it? – WMB mashing scripture together to create something that suited him.
    Thanks once again for the podcasts and work you put into them!

  2. Oh, I forgot to add… You may (or may not) want to look up the meaning of a “ding dong” in urbandictionary.com. it gives the modern definition. A definition I am shocked a message pastor would be aware of, let alone use!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Wow… looked up the definition and it is a nasty one. I have sent the pastor in question an email telling him about the podcast and specifically inviting him to come on as a guest. I doubt he will accept but I would love to have a chat with him to ask him some specific questions.

  3. Hello from almost in the ocean Los angles Ca. My name is Dave and i would love to just say thanks for allowing God to move thru you so that Satans blindfold of the message would be removed. God bless

    1. Thanks, Dave! The cognitive dissonance that holds people in the message is difficult to break but, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will continue to try.

  4. I was wondering what if Jason Watkins has answered your email yet Rod? I know he has said he would welcome any challenge to his beliefs recently. That would be fantastic if he accepts.

    1. We have sent him an email earlier this week and asked him to come on the podcast. No response as yet but I am prepared to give him plenty of time to respond.

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