Episode 6 – An interview with the authors of Searching For Vindication (Part 1)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 6 - An interview with the authors of Searching For Vindication (Part 1)

Join Rod and Bryan as they interview Joe and Anna Barone, the authors of the Searching For Vindication website.

In Part 1 of this 2 part interview, Joe and Anna Barone discuss:

  • Their reaction to:
  • Their motivation for publishing the Searching For Vindication website
  • The reliability of historical archives relating to the Jeffersonville area
  • The depth of research behind the Searching For Vindication website
  • An example of Christian love – Matthew 18:12-14 & Luke 15:3-7
    • Leaving the ninety-nine to go after the one lost sheep
    • The reaction to the Humble Pie article
    • Christian responsibility for those who have gone astray
  • The Barone’s approach to researching the conclusions of Believe The Sign with respect to the municipal bridge vision
    • How many people actually died in the construction of the municipal bridge?
  • Feedback and criticism of their research and their response to the criticism

Referenced websiteSearchingForVindication.com

Music – The Ninety and Nine by Andrew Peterson from Carried Along (1995) – View More by This Artist

Episode 5 – An Interview with Pastor Jeff Jenkins (part 2)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 5 - An Interview with Pastor Jeff Jenkins (part 2)

Jeff Jenkins was the pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship (BCF) in Lima, Ohio for almost 34 years.  Pastor Jeff was a committed and fervent follower of William Branham but left the message and his church several years ago.  This is part 2 of Rod Bergen’s interview with Pastor Jeff as they discuss how he came to his monumental decision to leave the message and the church he had pastored for almost three and a half decades, as well as his current thoughts on William Branham and the message.

Music – I Have Decided to Follow Jesus by Bill & Gloria Gaither, from their album – Bill & Gloria Gaither and Their Homecoming Friends, Vol. 1 – available on iTunes

Episode 4 – An interview with Pastor Jeff Jenkins (part 1)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 4 - An interview with Pastor Jeff Jenkins (part 1)

Jeff Jenkins was the pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship (BCF) in Lima, Ohio for almost 34 years.  Pastor Jeff was a committed and fervent follower of William Branham but left the message and his church several years ago.  Rod Bergen interviews Pastor Jeff to discuss his background and how he came to his monumental decision to leave the message and the church he had pastored for almost three and a half decades.

Music – For the Sake of the Call  by Avalon, from their album – Another Time, Another Place: Timeless Christian Classics  – available on iTunes


Episode 3 – Getting to know your hosts (part 3)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 3 - Getting to know your hosts (part 3)

Rod Bergen interviews co-host Bryan Lynch about his background, how he came into the message and what led him to leave the message after spending almost 20 years following William Branham.

Music – Off The Shelf by The Brothers Bright from A Song Treasury (2012) – View More by This Artist

Episode 2 – Getting to know your hosts (Part 2)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 2 - Getting to know your hosts (Part 2)

This is the second part of a 3 part series focused on introducing the co-hosts of the Off The Shelf podcast.  In this episode, Bryan Lynch interviews Rod Bergen about how he came into the message; what led him to leave the message after spending almost 40 years following William Branham; and his current perspective on the message and those still following the message.

Music – Off The Shelf by The Brothers Bright from A Song Treasury (2012) – View More by This Artist

Episode 1 – Getting to know your hosts (Part 1)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 1 - Getting to know your hosts (Part 1)

The first three episodes of the Off The Shelf podcast will be focused on introducing co-hosts Rod Bergen and Bryan Lynch.  Hosts Bryan Lynch and Rod Bergen talk about:

  1. Why are we doing a podcast?
  2. Where did the name “Off The Shelf” come from?

Then, Bryan interviews Rod about how he came into the message and what led him to leave Cloverdale Bibleway and the message after spending almost 40 years following William Branham.  Rod talks about the relationship of faith and doubt, the municipal bridge vision, conversations Rod had with Pearry Green and George Smith, Deuteronomy 18:20-22, fear in the message and his view of the message and those still in the message.

Music – Off The Shelf by The Brothers Bright from A Song Treasury (2012) – View More by This Artist

Referenced website – Power to Change

The Municipal Bridge Vision – click to access the related video and related article