Episode 8 – An interview with James Rozak, the author of Morning Mercy

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 8 - An interview with James Rozak, the author of Morning Mercy

Join Rod and Bryan as they interview James Rozak, the author of the Morning Mercy  website.

James Rozak was the Associate Pastor of Edmonton Word Assembly for 10 years, serving alongside Eugene Braun. James believed and preached the message as best he knew.

But in February of 2013, the unthinkable happened and James made a decision with his wife to leave the message of William Branham.

James was someone that loved the message, and lived it with a passion. He and his wife did not leave because they didn’t want to ‘live the life’. Instead, came to the realization that something was clearly very wrong.

James initially felt that the message was being mishandled by men; in fact, he felt he could be a voice that captured the truth and essence of what the message really was.  But when the realization came that the problems were much more foundational, and the teaching itself was questionable – it became too much for him to ignore.

As a minister, he personally felt a responsibility to try to understand and resolve the questions. The problem was, there were no answers that adequately stood without turning a blind eye or performing mental gymnastics to excuse them.  Consequently, when he felt he could no longer preach in good faith, he resolved to step down from my ministry. But it quickly became clear they could no longer continue attending the church, so with heavy hearts, they walked away.

As most people that leave the message, James experienced great hurt.  The decision to leave the Message resulted in a complete annihilation of his reputation, a loss of everything familar – and left him, his wife and their children without friendships that he had expected were lifelong.

His desire to heal and help found expression through his website, Morning Mercy.  While he still has many questions, he has no doubt that they made the right decision.

Referenced websiteMorningMercy.com is a resource for formers followers of William Branham and contains encouragement from the perspective of an ex-message follower.

Music – Great Is Thy Faithfulness by 2nd Chapter of Acts, (lyrics by Thomas O. Chisholm and music by  William Runyan-1923) from Hymn Collection (2003) – View Album

10 Replies to “Episode 8 – An interview with James Rozak, the author of Morning Mercy”

  1. the problem is the relationship between him and God…,is he a realy worshiper…? is he a believer…?…..

    1. Are you saying that if a person does not follow William Branham that there is a problem between him and God? Are you saying that if a person is outside the message they are not a true believer and not a true worshipper? Because if that is what you’re saying, I must disagree with you completely.

      Please take a look at Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and then go to this page on BelieveTheSign.com

      I look forward to your response.

  2. Good dày, sir. I heard what you said but you really went to a Message church. Sorry for your expirience but its incorrect. You say “these rules”. God gave Israel rules to make them a different people.(2) you said you prayed give me an expirience. If you didn’t get it..who did’t give you?. You said bro Branham said denominations are” bad”, as far as i”ve read he said its the systèm controlling these churçhes. I know and may be wrong but please give the right info.

  3. Rod Bergen , God bless you. The message we find in the five books of Moses , in epistles of Paul , and etc in the bible does not belong the messengers, the message belongs to God who sent them and so is the message of William Bromham, the last prophet according to Malachite 4: 5, révélation 10:1-7, zacharia 14: 6-7 , luka 17:30.

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