Episode 12 – An interview with Careyann M. (part 2)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 12 - An interview with Careyann M. (part 2)

In this episode, Careyann continues to discuss some of the strange things she experienced in the Returned Ministry sub-cult within the message, along with the following:

  • The strange circumstances that began her journey out of the message;
  • Her experience with finding searchingforvindication.com’s timeline;
  • The implications of Deut 18:20-22
  • Her research into whether the message was true;
  • The reaction of her husband;
  • Whether she really did believe the message while she was in it;
  • The location of William Branham’s picture with the pillar of fire;
  • Why do people stay in the message; and
  • What it means to be a true follower of Jesus.

Careyann’s website – Message Mysteries Unraveled

Song – Choose Life from Big Tent Revival – Greatest Hits by Big Tent Revival (1995) – see album

2 Replies to “Episode 12 – An interview with Careyann M. (part 2)”

    1. You’re not really helping us here, Ronnie. Can you be a bit more specific? What exactly is the delusion and how would a person overcome such a delusion?

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