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This is the conclusion of our interview with Deborah Daulton Thibodeau. Her story is chronicled in “The Serpent’s Tail”, which Deb has authored. The book is published by Adelaide books is available directly from the publisher or from Amazon.
Why were Ed Daulton’s last words : “Brother Branham, lied to me. I have been betrayed!” ??
The transcript of our podcast is available to download:
Thank you Debrah. I just finished listening to all of the 5 podcasts that you have been on. Thank you for sharing your story and breaking the silence. My mother was at The Park. You have given me so much insight into who she was. Healing comes from knowing. I am also so thankful that you shared how you got to forgive that man. You took away his power in the moment you forgave him. I will be buying your book to learn more.