William Branham stated many times that the Bible compared God’s prophets to eagles. However, he never provided one scriptural example of where this was the case. So we thought we would check out whether what he said was actually based in the Bible.
I think you will be surprised at what we found… well, maybe not if you’ve been listening to our podcasts.
This podcast is part 7 in our summer series of short podcasts that we are calling “Summer Shorts”. They will only be 5-10 minutes… just enough to get you thinking about something that you might not have thought about. Some may be the two of them, while others may just be solo.
Relevant links to this podcast
- Read about William Branham, prophets, and eagles
- Wikipedia article on altitude records for birds
- Video – William Branham and the Mother Eagle
Very interesting Sylvia. Thanks for your honesty. We visited Lee Vayle’s church in September 2004. We were very surprised about some things we saw and heard. He was very keen for us to up sticks and move there too.