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In this episode, Emily, Rod, and Tim interview Eleisha Moreno, a former follower of Joseph Coleman, who initiated the Seven Thunders Inspiration, a sub-cult within the “Message” (which is how followers of William Branham refer to themselves).
Joseph Coleman preached his first sermon in Eleisha’s grandparents’ home in the early 1960’s, so Eleisha’s knowledge of the Seven Thunders movement dates to its infancy.
Music – Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash from the album, “American IV: The Man Comes Around” – Available on Apple Music
There is a saying in the message “long hair, long skirts, long faces” –
and that’s true. But after the people leave the message they have “short hair, short skirts, but still long faces”.
Maybe you should think about that.
I don’t have a long face. And I know there are many others who have left the message that are joyful. We do understand that the message can take a heavy toll on people who were raised in it, people who leave the message with PTSD and other psychological problems. That is something that derives from the fear that message ministers place on their congregations. It certainly doesn’t mean that people should not leave the message.
@D your comment is like from someone with a long face 🙁🤷🏾♂️
Hi Eleisha so glad you made it out. Loved hearing your testimony. Can’t wait to hear part 2. How’s your dad doing? Is he out of the message too?
Great Podcast. Listening to it is like a window into a past life. As someone who’s extended family was involved in the 2000 fallout, I remember things a little differently and feel compelled to share.
Yes it is true that up to that point the Pennsylvania congregation was a bit neglected. This is actually the reason why the pastor from New Brunswick, Canada was going to come down and “take over”. He felt a calling to leave his own congregation in New Brunswick and lead ours (which didn’t really make much sense to me). At the time this plan was about to happen, it actually had Joseph Coleman’s blessing. At that point in time he felt that the believers in Pennsylvania could be better served with a direct pastor rather than the same loose association and long distance circuit rider ministering that had been going on for the past 20 some years. There had been a few elders and deacons that had moved down from NYC, but things never felt “unified”. Like I said, the plan originally had Coleman’s blessing and Pennsylvania was to be completely independent (yet a sister church) of New York City. Not only was the congregation getting a new pastor, but they were in the process of buying an actual church building. Beforehand they were meeting in houses, basements, barns and grange halls.
This is the way I remember the fallout happening. Coleman was all but ready to sign everything over including the new church building to the New Brunswick pastor (basically hand over the keys), However right before the change of power, the New Brunswick pastor played his hand early and mentioned to Coleman that what he was going to teach was to be a bit off doctrine to what Coleman was teaching. That was part of reason I remember anyways, although I think there may have been other reasons that I was not privy to. In the end Coleman didn’t like where things were headed and pulled the rug out from under the New Brunswick pastor. Had the pastor been quiet of his doctrinal intentions till AFTER the transaction took place, it would not have been an issue as Coleman would have no say afterwards. Things would have certainly been VERY different today, although like I said, I don’t know if that was the ONLY issue.
The New Brunswick pastor was basically cut off and excommunicated from the “Thunders” group (although not “The Message” completely.) and overall was painted as a “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” and a “Snake in the grass”. Coleman explained the deal was cut off because the Lord showed him what was REALLY happening “behind the scenes” and that he felt it was his duty to protect the flock in Pennsylvania. It was very strange because the New Brunswick pastor never spoke ill of Coleman, and the two at face had regarded each other as good friends and Brothers in Christ. Any of the church officials that were in league with the “scheme” were chastised and were made to apologize to the congregation.
Even though the overall plan fell through, the purchase of the new church building still transpired, although under Coleman’s direct leadership. He even bought a house in PA as to make it easier for him to travel back and forth. Also shortly afterwards yet another set of ministers moved down from Connecticut (Eleisha’s father Brian Cutts), NYC, and even the UK and installed to oversee the Pennsylvania group. Between this and the new ISDN video line that was installed, the Pennsylvania congregation was finally “unified” and became a true satellite of the church in NYC.
Everything came to a head at the new church building dedication. Joseph Coleman came down himself and preached, blasting those that were against him. He suffered his stroke toward the end of the service. Stepping back a bit, I had mentioned my extended family was directly involved. From the mid to late 90’s they had moved in from all over, AZ, OK, and IN and started to become half the population of the Pennsylvania congregation. They were very friendly with the New Brunswick pastor and felt that Coleman was the one that did everyone dirty. They came to the church dedication, but afterwards they left the “Seven Thunders Inspiration” completely (although stayed in The Message). They actually did feel that Coleman’s stroke was God’s judgment on him. The fallout had some reaching effects, as my extended family had become woven into the church fabric so to speak. Families were torn apart. While it wasn’t a direct influence, my parents divorced in 2002 due partly to the wear the the church split had on my parent’s marriage. As for my extended family, at first they just met at my Great Grandfather’s house listening to William Branham’s tapes. From then on they eventually drifted away from the area, moving back to various states, and some have even left The Message. The Pennsylvania church felt empty for a bit, but soon other families filled the ranks.
Thank you and God bless.