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This episode concludes the discussion with our new co-hosts. Rod Bergen talks to Emily Arndt and Tim Kraus about a number of important issues relating to the message.
External links – Article on Pastor Vinworth Dayal from Trinidad
Music – God Still Loves Me by Andrae Crouch – Available on Apple Music
I get where Tim is coming from… but Personally I still feel WMB’s personal life is significant when talking to his followers. For example if he preached against remarriage while having a living partner and we discover he performed marriages of his family members with living partners… you have to question that. Or if he preached against wearing shorts and we find out that we wore shorts, that’s a cause for concern. You are talking about a man who promoted the notion of “live me a sermon than preach me one”. The idea that “the message and the messenger are one”.
I’m so grateful to John and searchingforvindication for looking up these things as they are significant to the message. We suddenly get to glimpse the type of man WMB was whose personal life unfortunately seemed far removed from the personality on tape.
And that is sobering!