Episode 62 – Introducing your new co-hosts (Part 2)

Off The Shelf
Off The Shelf
Episode 62 - Introducing your new co-hosts (Part 2)

This episode continues the introduction of our new co-hosts. Rod Bergen talks to Emily Arndt and Tim Kraus about a number of important issues relating to the message.

MusicThe Storm Still Rages by Rhonda Vincent – Available on Apple Music

2 Replies to “Episode 62 – Introducing your new co-hosts (Part 2)”

  1. Thank you for these podcasts, they are very helpful. I appreciate all the work you are putting into them.

    I wonder if you happen to know of a fellowship of people in Tucson who have left the message.

    Thank you

    1. We don’t although there are a number who have left. They generally tend to find their way into good churches that are non-message. We did have a meeting of ex-message folks in Phoenix a couple of years ago.

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