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Rod and one of our listeners, Andrew Loza, a former police detective, discuss growing up in the message and what led him to leave the message. They also begin a discussion of the doctrine of the seven church ages.
Sermon quotes played in this podcast:
- William Branham, The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, 65-1125, para. 240.
- Chad Lamb, Believers Christian Fellowhip, The 7 Seals, part 14, Sept. 27, 2017
- Chad Lamb, Believers Christian Fellowhip, The 7 Seals, part 16, October 8, 2017
External links:
- BelieveTheSign article on the Seven Church Age doctrine
- BelieveTheSign article on whether the message is a cult
- BelieveTheSign article on Christians that were required to believe Satanic doctrine
- Article fom BelieveTheSign on whether the message is the word of the hour.
Music – Rock of Ages by Amy Grant & Vince Gill from Rock of Ages… Hymns & Faith – available from iTunes
This speaks so true for me. In my encounters with the message, I quickly realized that Jesus was not enough for its beleivers. They had thrown in William Branham as a gate way to Christ. They had put up the veil that God had torn in two the day of the crucifixion. In my encounters with her message, listening to sermons, and others discuss I would often think of a chorus that I had sung growing up in the Salvation Army and it brought me peace.
“We have no other argument,
We need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.“
Charles Wesley
Thanks for the podcast and defending our faith in Jesus Christ.
Thanks for your comment, Desmond. I love that song as it does some up the problem with the message. We need nothing else but Christ, his sacrifice and resurrection. That is enough. I may use the song in an upcoming podcast.